vehicle attunement
Energetic Bodywork
Invite your Body into Conversation & Healing
ENERGETIC Bodywork Experience
Approx. 90 min - 500 USD
I incorporate Kundalini Reiki, Multidimensional Healing techniques, and my receptivity to connect with you energetically and facilitate customized healing unique to you and your needs. While energetic bodywork is a highly individual experience, I developed a four-step process that I follow with each client --> see below. Please note that this is a distance healing experience. You will find more information in the FAQ's at the bottom of this page.
Our first touch point will be a video call on Zoom. This allows us to get to know each other and set the tone for our time together. We can review any remaining questions before redirecting our attention from the mind
to your body.
I will offer you a custom guided meditation and/or breathwork that helps you to connect deeper with your body. Priming your body that way will help you relax, open up, and fully receive the benefits of energetic bodywork.
Now comes an enjoyable part. You can go to the place you prepared for yourself to get cosy, immerse yourself in the actual receiving of energetic work, and be present with whatever comes up during the session.
Our last touch point will be through voice notes on Voxer. You can share anything that came up for you. I will relay what kind of energy healing has been performed and offer suggestions on nurturing and supporting yourself after the session.
This is FOR YOU if:
You feel disconnected from your body due to excessive stress or trauma.
You understand strategy and authority but find it challenging to apply it.
You want to experience deep relaxation and healing in your mind and body.
You want to release traumatic emotional memories.
You need nervous system healing.
You are ready to hear your body talk to you.
You are ready to let go of conditioning baggage and transform cellularly.
You have tried everything, but old patterns remain in your life.
Why I use
along with Human Design
Deconditioning is a cellular process. While Ra Uru Hu came up with his own strategy to enable cellular deconditioning, we require some additional energetic help and soothing from time to time - especially those of us who didn't grow up with Human Design in our lives. The body keeps score of all the conditioning we have received and all the instances in which we unknowingly betrayed ourselves and pretended to be who we are not. The body stores stress and trauma that needs to be processed and released, and sometimes PHS is not enough. While there are many things I work with within the body, like improving the flow of prana or chi throughout the body, removing energetic blockages and stressors, and helping one physically reconnect with their authority, my favourite thing is to work energetically with memories stored as emotional blockages. I specialise in tapping into emotional memories and helping you process them so you no longer store them in your form. In my experience, knowing that your body is your place of authority is not enough, especially when it is full of dysregulation and trauma. Extending a hand in friendship to the body by being willing to spend time with it without distraction is of great value. The more safe your body feels with you, the more it can relax. And the more relaxed your body is, the more you can begin to apply what you learn in Human Design.
What PEOPLE are saying

Why do you offer this work online?I practice distance healing, meaning that you could be anywhere in the world to receive the bodywork, and there is no need for physical touch to facilitate the healing. I prefer this kind of bodywork as it allows both of us to be comfortable in our own spaces and fully relax, which is essential for transformative bodywork.
How do I prepare for the session?Do whatever you need to create a relaxing and cosy environment where you can lie down and not be disturbed for at least 2 hours. It can also be really helpful to have a soothing playlist ready beforehand if you enjoy music during the time when the energy work is facilitated. Sometimes, the mind can get really loud in the process, and having music to tune into can be beneficial to stay connected to your body.
What happens during the session?The list is not conclusive but those emotions, feelings, sensations and reactions are what is often reflected back by my clients: • heaviness/lightness is the body • movement of energy in the body • temperature changes • recollection of old memories • dozing off to sleep • changes in breathing patterns • crying • sweating • shaking Please remember that none of these are anything to be scared of. Bodywork encourages the body to release tension and stress, due to which you may experience some of these during the session. I'm also available to communicate with you during the session, just in case you need to talk to me about anything you're experiencing.
What can I expect after the session?It usually takes 48 hours for the energy work to integrate. You might fall into a deep sleep or feel quite introverted right after the session. Tiredness is also quite common. I encourage you to take time out after the session and just talk with your body. You might experience insights landing in your system over the next few days, and as you integrate the energy work more and more, you will begin to feel lighter and more balanced. On speaking directly after the session: If you fall asleep or need alone time after the session, I recommend not forcing conversation immediately. We can speak via Voxer whenever you feel ready to communicate. But speaking about the session afterwards is essential to integrating it, and I don't recommend skipping it altogether.
Can I cancel or reschedule my session?Please note that all purchases are final. I do not offer refunds for no-shows or any other reason. I trust that you make clear decisions when signing up to work together. You can reschedule your session up to 48 hours in advance via my booking calendar. You'll find the link in your confirmation email.
Do you offer payment plans?Yes, I am happy to offer payment plans upon request. Please reach out via the contact form.
Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Certified Reiki Master
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Multiple Self-Study Courses with Ra Uru Hu & Alokanand Diaz
Guidance Sessions with 100+ Clients
5+ years of Coaching Experience